
Holbrook Primary School, Trowbridge

Inspiring, Nurturing, Challenging every learner to achieve their full potential



Knowing and understanding learning in Early Years is essential for us to ensure clear sequencing which allows Holbrook children to know more and remember more. The required flexibility in the Early Years curriculum can make it challenging to identify prior learning as children move into Key Stage one and beyond. With this in mind we have looked carefully at specific learning that takes place in Early Years and mapped it directly to curriculum subjects at Key Stages one and two. This ensures that all teachers, including subject leaders, are clear about the learning that takes place in Early Years and how this feeds into later teaching and learning for Holbrook children.


The characteristics of effective teaching and learning underpin teaching and learning in Early Years:

• playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’

• active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

• creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things Statutory framework for the EYFS


All Holbrook teachers and subject leaders understand the importance of these aspects of learning and appreciate how they support access to the curriculum as children move into Key Stage one and beyond.


There are 3 prime areas of learning in Early Years which teach our children key skills that become the foundations for teaching and learning across the curriculum. Having a shared understanding and appreciation of these allows us support transition from foundation stage to Key Stage one as well as appreciate the specific foundations children have built in Early Years.


