
Holbrook Primary School, Trowbridge

Inspiring, Nurturing, Challenging every learner to achieve their full potential



You can find a daily planner with work for your child when you follow the "School Closure" link.

Design Technology

We have had fun sewing bookmarks and baking cakes in Design Technology!

Block 3 Curriculum Overview


In English we will be learning to write instructional texts, performing poetry and stories from other cultures.  We will continue to focus on improving our writing stamina and understanding and use of of SPAG.


We will focus on deepening our understanding of place value and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).  We will continue to do our weekly multiplication tables tests.


The Dragon Song - We will learn to sing “The Dragon Song” and add actions.  We will also explore use of percussion instruments.


Animals including humans and living things and their habitats – We will be learning about various animals and their habitats.


Who has made a difference to the world because of their faith? – We will be learning about Guru Nanak and why some people follow him.


Algorithms – we will be learning to give computers instructions.


Locational study – we will be learning about Japan.

Block 2 Curriculum Overview


In English we will be learning to write adventure stories, recounts and nonsense poems.  We will focus on building our writing stamina and editing skills.  We will also continue to develop our understanding and use of SPAG.


In Mathematics, we will focus on deepening our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division including multiplication tables (including for our weekly tests).


History Ancient Greece - we will be learning about how the Greeks had a democratic system of voting (for some of their citizens).  We will learn about what the Trojan Horse was and how the Greeks first introduced the Olympics.
RE The Deeper Meanings of Festivals - we will look at a number of different religions (Christianity, Hinduism and Islam) and various festivals that they celebrate.  
Science Sound - we will learn about sound and how it travels.
Computing Doors of Doom - we will learn how to create hyperlinks in a PowerPoint.
D & T Sewing - we will learn how to use different stitches.


We have been learning about electricity in Science.  We had fun building circuits!



Welcome to Somerville Class Page.


The class teacher is Ms Smith.  Our LSA is Miss Callan.


