
Holbrook Primary School, Trowbridge

Inspiring, Nurturing, Challenging every learner to achieve their full potential


Friday 26th June

Good Morning Zephaniah :)  Happy Friday!


Here are your tasks for today:

Guided Reading: Can you match our words from the week to their definitions?

                          Synonym hunt! Can you find the word that means...


English: Design a sign for the new class and plan ideas for the classroom . 


Spelling: Words ending in ‘que’ – do your test today and let me know how you get on :)


Maths:  Friday Football challenge!


Geography: Time Zones- what do key parts of your day look like in another country in a different time zone?


                  Geography project either showing your learning from this week or on something that                                        interests you to do with geography.


Miss Thackray's challenge of the week: Virtual talent show


Please send me some lovely work from the week if you haven't already!
