Welcome to Week Seven.
This week we hosted our Parent Open Afternoon. We worked in partners with our adults and create a mini animation film using the iPad's.
In English this week, we retold the story of Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. We included inverted commas, time conjunctions and adjectives. We wowed Mrs Willis, Miss Blake and Mrs Hewson.
In Guided Reading this week, we started to look at the story 'George's Marvellous Medicine' by Roald Dahl. We have been Predicting Pip's this week and we have looked at the front and back cover to predict what we think the story/book is going to be about. We are very excited to read the book.
In Mathematics this week, Year 3 children have been working on multiplication and Year 2 children have been focusing on number bonds and finding 10 more and 10 less than a number.
In RE this week, we looked at why Christians celebrate Easter and how this is different to Muslims celebrating Eid. We were amazing at finding different comparisons and differences.