
Holbrook Primary School, Trowbridge

Inspiring, Nurturing, Challenging every learner to achieve their full potential


week 7

This week we have started our new topic about the Titanic! Kandinsky are frilled to be learning about the Titanic and are very enthusiastic and engaged in their learning. The children were keen to write down what they would like to know/find out, lots of the class already had a lot of facts they could share with their peers. We will continue this next week. 


In English we have finished creating our newspaper based on 'The Three Little Pigs,' the class have made some lovely pieces that include lots of imagination and skill. We are now looking at 'Kenning's poems.' 


In maths this week we have continued to look at addition and subtraction, using place value counters to help us. We are feeling much more confident using the column method, the bar model method and the part whole method. 


We are still enjoying the class book 'Charlotte's web,' we are excited to see what will happen next! 
