Happy New Year and Welcome to 2020!
We have had a super busy start to the new year!
In English this week, we have started a traditional tales unit and we have looked at the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We used dictionaries to think of different adjectives to describe the wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. We then used speech bubble and inverted commas to add speech to our writing.
In Mathematics, Year 2 children have practised their number bonds to 10 and 20 and have looked at fact families. Year 3 children have used arrays for multiplication.
In Guided Reading, we have been a Victor Vocabulary dog and we have looked at different meanings of words from the book 'Amazing Grace.'
In Computing, we have designed our own backdrops for our animation films. We then used a Lego character to take lots of pictures using the iPad's. At the end of the week, we then transferred all of the photographs into a mini animation film. We enjoyed doing this!