
Holbrook Primary School, Trowbridge

Inspiring, Nurturing, Challenging every learner to achieve their full potential


Pupil Premium

At Holbrook we passionately believe that all children have the right to realise their potential. We have high aspirations and ambitions for all of our pupils and are determined to overcome barriers to enhance access. We aim to use the Pupil Premium funding to have maximum impact on pupils’ wellbeing, progress and attainment. We seek opportunities to collaborate with outside agencies and explore innovative approaches. We work closely with the Virtual School to ensure best practice for all pupils including those who receive Pupil Premium + funding.


Holbrook has a Pupil Premium working party which includes the Deputy Head Teacher, the SENCO / Inclusion Manager, the Pastoral Manager, the School Business Manager and the Governor with responsibility for Pupil Premium. The working party meet to review our guiding principles, discuss best practice and reflect on the impact of initiatives.


As a school we believe that Pupil Premium funding should be spent to benefit all pupils wherever possible and many of our initiatives are planned to support this aim. However, we acknowledge that the individual needs of children who are in receipt of Pupil Premium + funding need to be considered differently. This additional funding is ring fenced and is allocated on a case by case basis in discussion with Parents / Carers. We liaise closely with the Virtual School, the Kinship Team and the Adoption Team to best support Holbrook families. The Deputy Headteacher (also Pupil Premium champion) sits on the Advisory Board for the Wiltshire Virtual School.


We utilise local and national CPD to ensure that our policies and procedures for the use of Pupil Premium funding reflect best practice.


At Holbrook we utilise all Funding provided through the National Tutoring Programme and employ the school lead approach. Holbrook staff know our children and are able to provide individual and group tutoring to best effect to support academic and wider outcomes for our children.


School data demonstrates that some children who qualify for pupil premium funding have been adversely affected by periods of partial school closure. Many other vulnerable children continue to be impacted by disruption caused by the pandemic. As a school we monitor this closely and employ a range of strategies to support individuals including close liaison with families, tutoring and individual / whole class interventions. We work closely with the Mental Health Support Team both to directly support individuals and their families through referrals and to provide cohort level support through targeted lessons. We are working alongside the Mental Health Team to complete a Mental Health Audit in 2023-2024 to further inform and target provision. The Mental Health Lead at Holbrook is Natasha Seek (SENCO)




Holbrook School Guiding Principles for the use of Pupil Premium funding

Pupil Premium spending has been planned strategically to have maximum impact on pupil progress and attainment. The following should be considered when making decisions about spending of Pupil Premium funding. We aim:

  • To ensure that spending is directly linked to raising attainment and rates of progress and closing gaps where they exist.
  • To increase rates of attendance with particular focus on persistent absentees. 
  • To promote and invest in high quality support for Holbrook families in all aspects of life
  • To make use of school data to target spending and intervention to maximise pupil progress and attainment
  • To invest in quality first teaching for all pupils
  • To regularly read and review research to evaluate our practice and refine our procedures
  • To ensure all pupils have equal access, opportunities and status and are included in all aspects of school life.
  • To invest in high quality CPD for all levels of staff to facilitate high quality provision for pupils.
  • To enhance provision for all Holbrook pupils
  • To ensure that highly skilled staff are deployed effectively to remove barriers to learning.
  • To ensure that the individual needs of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium + funding are considered through meetings with Parents / Carers
  • To ensure that pupils to are potentially vulnerable to underachievement have the best possible transition to secondary school.


Pupil Premium + spending guidelines:

  • Relationships with parents are paramount; meetings will be held at least termly.
  • Individual needs are considered through discussion with Parents / Carers
  • Funded activities must be approved by the school and provided by a registered practitioner, all safeguarding checks and procedures must be completed prior to starting an funded activity.
  • Therapeutic activities must be approved by the school and provided by a registered practitioner, all safeguarding checks and procedures must be completed prior to starting therapeutic intervention where this takes pace in school time.
  • The Pupil Premium Working Party will meet to discuss specific requests for individual funding.
  • The Pupil Premium champion will liaise closely with other agencies (Virtual School, Kinship Team, Adoption West) to ensure the best possible provision for children who are currently or previously looked after


The intent, implementation and impact of pupil premium funding was monitored by Ofsted during the latest inspection (March 2020). The allocation and impact of Pupil Premium funding is scrutinised annually by the local authority and throughout the academic year the FGB undertake scrutiny of pupil premium budget and expenditure alongside pupil progress and attainment data. An additional report regarding pupils looked after and previously looked after will be shared with Governors in 2023-2024.

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.